What happens during a school day at Brighton College (Singapore)? Year 2 pupil, Nicole, let’s us into her day of lesson learning and activities.
Arrival at Brighton Singapore school:
I love coming to school every day and I really like the school! I can’t wait to arrive every morning so I can meet with my friends again. We have lesson learning and fun playing together.
Lesson learning:
My favourite lesson is PE and I’m really good at gymnastics – I can do two types of splits! We get to do some balancing; sometimes we have to balance on a beam and walk forwards and backwards. It’s both challenging and also fun.
Outdoor activities at Brighton Singapore school:
Other than the eating area, my favourite outdoor space in Brighton Singapore school is the playground with the wooden logs. My friends and I come up with our own games and rules, and we have different ways of playing tag that involve everybody. We enjoy discussing the rules together and then playing. Tag is our favourite to play!
Snack/Lunch time:
I like having lunch together with my friends in the special outdoor eating area. We enjoy comparing our different snacks, and we also chat with each other while eating.
Story time:
I like many books – like The Gruffalo! My current favourite is Owl Babies. I really like to sit on the beanbags in the library of Brighton Singapore and read. It’s very comfortable and cosy and feels just like the beanbag I have at home, which keeps me cool in the heat.
Chinese lesson learning:
We’re learning how to write Chinese characters, since I and a few of my friends already speak the language. We learn very well together and always help each other when someone needs a helping hand.
I say goodbye to my class teacher and friends, and some of us take the school bus home together. I always miss them during the weekend and can’t wait to see them in school again.
Brighton College (Singapore) is at 1 Chuan Lane.
6505 9790 | brightoncollege.edu.sg
This article first appeared in the January 2023 edition of Expat Living. You can purchase the latest issue or subscribe, so you never miss a copy!