2024 Yearly Tarot Forecast
Each year is represented by a number – and the number for 2024 is 8 (2+0+2+4). In numerology, 8 stands for abundance, personal power, prosperity in career and finance, realising your goals, and understanding what you want in your life and going for it. Expressing your thoughts, emotion and creativity is key in an “8 year”.
Also, don’t allow yourself to be overshadowed and suppressed by anyone; a lack of expression may create an imbalance, so nudge yourself to reclaim your power. Go for what you desire and don’t be afraid to put yourself first. After all, if we aren’t happy, how can we make others happy? We have to work for our success this year. Put in the work, be clear about your goals, and success will be guaranteed. Exciting times!
Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr)
The imposter syndrome and the negative self-talk just have to go this year. You’ll never get to where you want to be if you carry on as you are. Listen to your inner voice and that inner power that you have quashed with your negativity over the years. Within you lies a power that has been waiting to be unleashed.
Stop thinking about your plans but actually come out of your shell and start to think how you can make things happen. Asking ‘how’ will begin to get the energy rolling. You will begin to attract the right opportunities and people, and ideas will begin to flow. And just like that you will be on your way to making dreams happen in 2024!
Watch out for being held back by naysayers. It’s all a test of your inner strength and will, and how determined you really are to see your dreams come to fruition. If a relationship feels out of sync, evaluate where you stand in the grand scheme of things. If it feels like the gap is widening, you may have to rethink about holding on to that relationship or express your feelings to see if your partner is willing to meet you where you are.
Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May)
You will be working on breaking a negative streak of late. There is no such thing as bad luck, just bad choices. It’s time to evaluate your past thought patterns and actions that keep leading you to a negative outcome. You have been acting without a plan, which is why things have been going pear-shaped. Acting in haste hasn’t led to anything positive.
This year, choose to slow down. Eradicate the thought that you’ll miss out if you don’t act quick. Instead, adopt the attitude of waiting and watching. Think wisely about your investments. Turn your missed opportunities into positive outcomes for yourself. The way to do this is to do your research. What you may view as a missed opportunity could actually be an opportune time for you. So don’t be quick to dismiss things like this.
There is a chance at abundance this year but don’t spread yourself too thin. Quick wins may not be the way to go. And never think you know everything. Spend time assessing the environment, and I will stress again: do your own research rather than buying into hearsay!
Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun)
You have a lot to work on this year. You had many ideas last year but none of them have resulted in any form of success. It’s time to be very honest with yourself. Rather than blaming external factors, like the struggling economy, stop and take a deep and hard look at yourself. The key is to acknowledge your own responsibility in the failure of your endeavours. Perhaps you expected too much, or were inflexible and not adapting; or perhaps you didn’t really plan properly. Visit the drawing board again, and start again – but this time with a clear end goal and a realistic plan.
Don’t forget to sprinkle a little childish creativity and play around your ideas while you’re at it. Don’t be afraid to be silly. After all, that is where the learning lies. You will see things coming to completion or fruition by mid-year. So put your head down and work at it. Success won’t be bestowed to you without the secret ingredient – hard work!
Another thing: you are a master at procrastination. So stop dreaming and start making things happen. A lot of the time, you don’t go through with things because of your lack of faith in yourself and concern of what others may think of you. Find a point of motivation; if money isn’t your motivation, then discover what is. The keywords for you are consistency, motivation and patience.
Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul)
For Cancer, 2024 is about creating abundance and understanding the balance between hard work and reward. Analyse how and where you are investing your time and energy. You may not be reaping the rewards that you’ve hoped for, so get organised about your efforts and be clear about what you want to achieve. You are encouraged to be bold with your undertakings. It’s not necessary to take big risks, but go all guns blazing or don’t bother is the advice for 2024. Remember to be connected to your inner voice, too. You may find it crucial when logic doesn’t serve you when making big decisions.
Another area in your life that requires some attention will be your outgoings for 2024. Evaluate and analyse your priorities when it comes to your expenses. You may find things feel imbalanced; if so, you could divert some expenses to areas like self-improvement.
Change isn’t always welcomed by Cancer. Avoid ignoring signs of discontent and unhappiness, or shifting your attention to making others feel okay. Failing to act on making important personal changes will deepen the inner conflict and leave you losing the big picture. Stay on track. It may be very difficult at times as you find it hard to face your own demons and find it easier to divert your attention to others.
Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug)
It’s going to be a year of contemplation and working through your issues quietly. Things may feel like they aren’t going to plan but it will be up to you to face up to the reasons why. They seem to be self-imposed – it may be down to your feelings of inadequate or imposter syndrome.
You will spend the first part of the year quietly working on yourself. It’s easy to blame things on circumstances or others when things don’t go to plan, but it’s always hard to take ownership. When you do, however, the rewards are great. Work will go into turning your situation around. You’ll realise your inner power and authority and put it to good use this year. Make sure your plans and goals are realistic, though, as there is a chance you’ll allow your ego to get the better of you.
It’s a great financial year for you, and a chance to create a healthier relationship between yourself and your money. You have always put the wellbeing of others before yours but you will be treating yourself to nice things every now and then this year. After all, your hard work will pay off this year – and you deserve to be rewarded too!
Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep)
The key to bear in mind for 2024 is to let things flow – there is no point forcing things into position. You may not be ready or your energy may not be in alignment for you to receive the reward of your efforts. This applies to relationships and your career. You may find yourself in an uncomfortable position, where reciprocating someone else’s romantic feelings will be hard. Or you may find yourself drifting from the person you’re in a relationship with. The best thing to do is to step back. Continuing such a relationship will be holding yourself back from exploring what fits you.
It’s a year of deep introspection for Virgo. There may be times where you find your own company comforting and times you need to be around people. Finding a tribe that is in sync with you will be paramount. It will be healing as well as good for your personal growth.
You are in search of fulfilment this year. Finding the right fit in terms of a career path is crucial. This can’t be rushed. You need to complete your journey of understanding yourself and your own needs and desires first. Personal growth can get exhausting at times, so remember to rest up when you feel the need to. Worry less and go with the flow. If you’re finding it hard to get your ideas to take off, don’t force it. There will be a right time for it.
Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct)
The year begins with assessing your relationship with your finances. It’s time you face your fears and anxieties, especially if you come from a mindset of scarceness. Are you holding on to your money tightly and not rewarding yourself out of fear of not having enough? It’s time to shift this thought to a more balanced one, and realise your own worth. It’s only when you achieve a more harmonious relationship with your finances that you’ll be able to pursue your ideas and dreams and feel fulfilled.
There is a major transformation happening in the middle of the year – one where you allow yourself to realise your own wishes and dreams because you understand your self-worth. The final stage of your transformation this year involves a recognition of your own power. Are you expressing enough of it? Or are you not standing up to suppressive powers? Does the subject of exerting your authority cause you discomfort, and you shy away from it or you fear being disliked if you do so? It’s time to find the balance in expressing your power and being the recipient of it. Take the lead where you are expected to do so and don’t fear how you will appear to others. Accept the responsibility of your power when you know it’s required of you.
Scorpio (23 Oct– 21 Nov)
The start of the year calls for some time to let loose and allow your inner child to come out. You have stuck to your plans and routines meticulously – you’re allowed to celebrate the fruits of your hard labour from the past few months.
It will also be a time to face the heartache of a loss from the past. It’s enough wishing for the past to return to what it was. Accept the ship has sailed and work on healing from the loss. If it’s a failed relationship you are reeling from, moving on will allow new love to enter this year. If you’re grieving from losing someone dear to you, acceptance of the loss will make you more available to the ones that are craving your love and attention.
Scorpios are creatures who thrive on perfection in their lives. Everything has to be of a high standard. You will find yourself in a position of spending a lot of time honing your skill or picking up a new skill to add to your repertoire. Yet this time you spend perfecting yourself may become a problem for your family or may distract you from your day job. So try to carve a balance in pursuing your passion and your responsibilities.
Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec)
It looks like it’s time to accept that a conflict with someone may never reach a solution. You may be holding to something that might cause you more harm than good. Rather than inflicting all this inner turmoil on yourself, find the strength to tear away from the situation. There’s no harm in seeking professional help in overcoming the emotional trauma. You know dealing with the wounds and facing the personal transformation journey ahead will help heal the upset you’ve had to experience. Focus on being kind to yourself – enough of trying to bend over backwards to try to make things work. It’s not constructive if there is only one person to do the work in a conflict situation.
You may feel like the whole of 2024 will be a rite of passage. This will be very crucial for building your character and strength, and eradicating your anxieties and fears. The good news is you will experience a major breakthrough towards the end of the year when you realise you have no need for the negative energies that you’ve been clutching on to. Releasing them will make way for more positive things to take place in your life.
Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan)
You find yourself weighing your priorities at the start of the year. You’ve had to wear many hats in the past year but it’s time to see which roles are most important to you; or, if you’re in business, it’s time to look at prioritising certain products or services and dropping those that have been a drain on your resources.
This exercise will not only be useful in your professional life but in your personal life too. Reorganising and restructuring things in your life will have an effect on what you stand for and your personal beliefs. Take it as defining your personal brand for 2024, which will then trickle into your relationships and profession. The idea is to become nimble and adaptable for the year ahead.
Intuition will play a big role in guiding you out of the stalemate of 2023 to reveal a better version for you. You may become embroiled in a never-ending conflict or battle towards the end of the year. No need to worry, though – the truth will prevail. Choosing to pursue the conflict could be detrimental to your relationship; instead, take the time to listen and empathise. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the tension will dissipate.
Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)
2024 is the year of deep realisation for Aquarius. There are big changes in your mindset and the way you choose to live your life. You are bubbling with creative ideas at the start of the year, with great enthusiasm as you try to plan for new things in your life, career and even for your home. You seem to be very much in touch with your intuition – and it’s instrumental to guiding you through the first half of the year.
You have become fed up of being a slave to money and holding on to it like you are going to run out of it. There is a conscious effort to build a healthier relationship with your finances – finding a balance between spending it and saving it. The anxiety and worry around money has worn you out, and seeking more peace and calm in your life has become important as a result. This may also mean a change of career for you where you move to something that offers a slower pace. Or you may pick a hobby that requires a certain skill so you can divert your attention to more fun things.
The aim in the year ahead is to worry less and begin to appreciate your life a little more.
Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar)
Work has been hard the past year. It has been relentless and has required your utmost dedication and focus. A bit of rest and relaxation will be the order of the day for the start of the year. Take a moment to appreciate your being and those around you to discover a peaceful and calm life that you have missed out on.
This time off may trigger thoughts about how you make your money and the time you spend doing it. It’s all about devising a plan to manage your outgoings and incomings. You may come up with new ideas or come across opportunities to work smarter rather than harder.
The year-end calls for evaluating your long-term financial plans. You may change your investments to have a bit more control in this uncertain climate. Or you may choose to upgrade yourself, like investing in courses or honing your existing skills so you can command better remuneration.
Overall, the year ahead will revolve around growing your finances without sacrificing your time with people with that matter.
sharan@tarotbysharan.com | tarotbysharan.com