Here you’ll find the answers to our Puzzle Pages from the May 2023 issue of Expat Living magazine. If you love quiz questions and puzzles and you’d like to make sure you get them every month, don’t forget to subscribe to Expat Living!
Puzzle Pages, May 2023 answers – Page 1
#1 What is the capital of Laos?
#2 What is the name of the talking snowman in Frozen?
#3 What do the letters stand for in the style of beer known as IPA?
#4 What does “veni, vidi, vici” mean?
#5 In what year did The Beatles split up?
#6 What is the official language of Denmark?
#7 Which famous chocolate bar was originally called Marathon?
#8 How many kilometres are in a mile (answer to a single decimal point)?
#9 True or false: Sri Lanka was the first country to have a female prime minister.
#10 What does the name LIV refer to in the breakaway golf league?
#1 Vientiane
#2 Olaf
#3 India Pale Ale
#4 “I came, I saw, I conquered”
#5 1970
#6 Danish
#7 Snickers
#8 1.6km
#9 True (Sirimavo Bandaranaike, in 1960)
#10 LIV is 54 in Roman numerals, which is the number of holes played in each LIV tournament (as opposed to 72 in a regular tournament)
2 3 8 4 6 9 5 7 1
1 7 4 2 3 5 8 6 9
6 9 5 7 1 8 4 2 3
4 5 6 1 2 7 9 3 8
3 2 9 8 4 6 1 5 7
7 8 1 9 5 3 2 4 6
8 4 7 6 9 2 3 1 5
9 1 3 5 7 4 6 8 2
5 6 2 3 8 1 7 9 4
9-letter word: adjective
aced, acid, cade, cadi, caid, cate, cave, cede,
cedi, cete, cite, dace, dice, etic, iced, vice, acted,
cadet, caved, cited, civet, dicta, edict, eject, evict,
vatic, viced, active, advice, dacite, deceit, deject,
device, ejecta, evicted
5 1 4 2 3
1 3 2 5 4
3 4 5 1 2
2 5 3 4 1
4 2 1 3 5
Puzzle Pages, May 2023 answers – Page 2
Answers to Aussie slang quiz in Find A Word:
A cold one – a cold beer
Crikey – expression of surprise
Budgie smugglers – Speedos/swimmers
Chuck a sickie – Take a day off work when not actually ill
Woop Woop – a long way from anything
Hard yakka – hard work
Fair dinkum – unquestionably good/genuine
Thongs – flip-flops
Buckley’s chance – no chance at all
Aussie salute – to wave a fly away from your face with your hand
Give it a burl – to try something
Bludger – someone who doesn’t work very hard
Pokies – gambling machines
Banana bender – a person from the state of Queensland
Drongo – a fool
To mark May, the fifth month, match each five-letter word with its meaning
snood – a fitted hair covering
trite – dull and boring
nadir – the lowest point
grift – to engage in petty swindling
craic – a really good time
qualm – doubt or uneasiness
squab – a young pigeon
snarf – to eat or drink greedily
carom – in snooker, when the cue ball hits two other balls in a row
squee – a word expressing excitement
Name the event, person or thing that happened first in history
- Alexander the Great, 4th century BC (Charlemagne was born in the 8th century AD)
- Snapchat, 2012 (TikTok came out in 2017)
- Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, 1979 (Ronald Reagan became President in 1981)
- Oxford University, 1096 (the Aztec Empire began in 1428)
- The Godfather, 1972, (Grease came out in 1978)
- Titanic sinks, 1912 (World War I began in 1914)
- Van Gogh paints Sunflowers, 1888 (Gustav Klimt painted The Kiss in 1907-08)
- Pepsi, 1898 (Oreos were invented in 1912)
- First hot-air balloon flight, 1783 (steam-powered train was early-19th century)
- England wins football World Cup, 1966 (Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969)
Name the 10 different countries that these 10 fashion brands hail from
Gucci – Italy
H&M – Sweden
Uniqlo – Japan
Lululemon – Canada
Nike – USA
Rolex – Switzerland
Puma – Germany
Burberry – UK
Louis Vuitton – France
Zara – Spain
Feed the trolls!
You’re heading off to visit Grandma for her birthday and to take her some cakes that you’ve baked. She lives on the other side of a forest that has seven bridges you must cross, all of them with a troll living underneath. Each troll demands you pay a “troll toll” as you cross their bridge, which is equal to half the amount of cakes you’re carrying. Luckily for you, each one also agrees to give you a single cake back once you’ve crossed. How many cakes will you need to leave home with to ensure you arrive at Grandma’s place with exactly two cakes?
Answer: The answer is two cakes. Each troll asks you for half your cakes (so, one cake), and then gives you one cake back. So after each bridge you still have two cakes. (Not very clever, those trolls…)
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20 quirky facts about Singapore
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