Sports Nights with John Dykes – NLCS (Singapore)
20 November @ 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
$108 – $158North London Collegiate School (Singapore) and John Dykes is bringing a night filled with sporting anecdotes and trivia in the shape of a sports quiz.
John will share stories from his encounters with sports greats such as David Beckham and Serena Williams, dodging Sir Alex Ferguson’s “hairdryer” and performing for 30,000 Premier League fans across the globe.
Then, test your sports knowledge with a quiz, complete with picture and video rounds. Bring a team and compete for prizes!
For the best seats, join the Principal’s table for chance to chat with John during breaks.
Tickets are $108 per team member, inclusive of a selection of bar bites and free flow of beer, house wine and selection of soft drinks from 6pm to 7.30pm.
For a spot at the Principal’s table, tickets are $158 per person, inclusive of selection of bar bites and free flow of beer, house wine and selection of soft drinks from 6pm to 7.30pm, and a complimentary bottle of champagne for the table.
Get 50% off tickets when you book here, discount ends on 20 November.
About John Dykes
John Dykes is a familiar face to anyone who has watched sport on TV in Asia over the past 25 years. Previously the anchor for the Premier League’s global coverage and the man behind ESPN Asia’s popular “Football Focus” chat show, John has also hosted cricket, rugby, Formula 1, tennis, golf and many more marquee sporting events. He is based in Singapore, where he is a popular event host, speaker and corporate trainer.