New to Singapore and not sure where to start when it comes to getting involved, making friends and picking up the hobbies you’re used to at home? Often, all three come hand in hand on the island, with many expats gathering in similar areas for sports, networking and socialising. There’s only one thing for it: check out the below guide and get stuck into the group that sounds most like ‘you’.
#1 Associations
Associations are an excellent starting point when you’re new to Singapore, and they offer a host of support services. They are generally linked to nationalities, although citizens of any country can join. Attending a newcomer event is an excellent way to meet people and get involved in the community.
Associations offer many of the same social benefits found at clubs, without the expensive membership fees. Annual fees are generally low and may include a monthly magazine to keep you up to date with social activities.
Groups like the American Association of Singapore (AAS), The British Association (BA), and the Australian and New Zealand Association (ANZA) organise sports leagues and regular meetings, outings, charity events, book clubs and social gatherings. Women’s organisations include the American Women’s Association (AWA), the Italian Women’s Group, the Indian Women’s Association and the Spanish Speaking Women’s Association.
#2 University alumni
Another way of meeting people with whom you will instantly have something in common is through your university alumni association. Log on to your university’s website to find out more.
#3 Go to events
Singapore has so many! The easy way to get involved in these is via Facebook (check for events nearby) or by looking regularly at our calendar for events. You can also check the online ticket-booking portal SISTIC.
- Head here for our monthly events!
#4 Business networking
For women:
Singapore Business and Professional Women Association
Athena Network
Business chambers:
American Chamber of Commerce
British Chamber of Commerce
Australian Chamber of Commerce
European Chamber of Commerce
Read recommendations for sports teams and social clubs in Singapore.
For more helpful tips, head to our Living in Singapore section.