Here you’ll find the answers to our Puzzle Pages from the January 2022 issue of Expat Living. If you love quiz questions and puzzles and you’d like to make sure you get them every month, don’t forget to subscribe to Expat Living!
Answers to Puzzle Page 1
#1 What is the total number of dots on a pair of dice?
#2 Bergamot is the flavouring used in which popular type of tea?
#3 The gentoo and macaroni are varieties of which type of bird?
#4 Name two of the six members of the Monty Python comedy team.
#5 How long in metres is an Olympic swimming pool?
#6 “EGOT” is an acronym for someone who has won which four entertainment awards?
#7 The kiwifruit is native to which country?
#8 True or false: the unit of measurement for the speed and direction of a computer mouse is a “mickey”.
#9 Who was the longest serving manager of Manchester United FC?
#10 The numbers in 2022 add up to six. When is the next year this will happen?
#1 42
#2 Earl Grey
#3 Penguin
#4 John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman
#5 50
#6 Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony
#7 China
#8 True
#9 Sir Alex Ferguson
#10 2031
7 5 4 3 6 2 8 1 9
9 6 8 7 1 4 2 5 3
2 1 3 9 8 5 4 7 6
4 3 7 5 2 6 1 9 8
5 8 1 4 7 9 6 3 2
6 9 2 8 3 1 7 4 5
1 2 5 6 9 7 3 8 4
3 7 9 2 4 8 5 6 1
8 4 6 1 5 3 9 2 7
9-letter word: porcupine
cine, cion, coin, cone, coni, corn, icon,
iron, nice, noir, nope, nori, once, oner,
open, pein, peon, pern, pine, pion, pirn,
pone, porn, rein, ruin, rune, unci, unco,
unio, upon, copen, crone, incur, inure,
ippon, irone, nicer, oncer, opine, orcin,
orpin, ounce, pepin, pinup, prion, prone,
prune, punic, recon, ripen, runic, unrip,
urine, coiner, crepon, inpour, nipper,
orcein, orpine, pepino, pernio, pincer,
pounce, prenup, prince, punier, purine,
recoin, unripe, porcine, pouncer, propine
4 3 1 5 2
3 5 2 1 4
1 2 3 4 5
5 1 4 2 3
2 4 5 3 1
Answers to Puzzle Page 2
To mark January, find 10 words starting with “ja” from the following definitions; we’ve given you the number of letters in each word
Think Miles Davis and Louis Armstrong (4) = jazz
Enormous slug-like villain from Star Wars films (5) = Jabba
Large cat and car type (6) = jaguar
India’s “pink city” (6) = Jaipur
A very strongly scented type of flower (7) = jasmine
This gets hurled at the Olympics (7) = javelin
Something that’ll add some heat to your taco (8) = jalapeño
The whole cell block danced to this type of rock (9) = Jailhouse
Ignoring traffic rules as you cross a road (10) = jaywalking
Lewis Carroll nonsense poem (11) = Jabberwocky
Match the 10 breeds/species with the correct animal type
Bichon Frise – dog
Clydesdale – horse
Burmese Chubby – frog
Mandarin – duck
Dwarf Papillon – rabbit
Berkshire – pig
Neon Tetra – fish
Scottish Fold – cat
Wagyu – cow
Rhode Island Red – chicken
Match the song with the movie it appears in
“Summer Nights” – Grease
“I Will Always Love You” – The Bodyguard
“Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King
“Unchained Melody” – Ghost
“This Is Me” – The Greatest Showman
“Mrs Robinson” – The Graduate
“Twist and Shout” – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
“You’ve Got a Friend in Me” – Toy Story
“My Heart Will Go On” – Titanic
“Born to Be Wild” – Easy Rider
Riddle me this
#1 A rope ladder hangs from the side of a boat, and the bottom rung just touches the water. The rungs are 25 centimetres apart. How many rungs will be under the water when the tide has risen 1 metre?
#2 Name an English word of more than two letters that starts and ends with “he” in that order (not including “hehe”).
#3 A farmer has 17 sheep and all but nine die; how many are left?
#1 None – the boat will rise with the tide
#2 There aren’t many! Two examples are heartache and headache
#3 Nine
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