2025 forecast
Each year is represented by a number, and the number for 2025 is 9 (2+0+2+5). In numerology, 9 stands for the end of a chapter, closure and completion. So, it’s time to tie up loose ends while you prepare for 1, which stands for the complete opposite of 9 – a new beginning! In year 9, you may want to end a relationship or friendship that isn’t in alignment with your personal goals, move on from your job or even consider relocating. All of these actions are necessary to make way for the things or events that will happen in year 1. View this year as a year of purging and spiritual detox. Let go of things that don’t serve you anymore or won’t have a place for your future goals and aspirations. Now let’s look at each zodiac sign’s horoscope for 2025.
Zodiac sign forecasts
Aries horoscope (21 Mar – 19 Apr)
This is not a year to be rushed. Practice getting connected with your intuition when making decisions. This will allow you to make the right choices that are more aligned with your capabilities and goals.
Patience may not be a virtue for this zodiac sign, so you can expect to be tested. For example, frustration will build up when you have spent time and energy on someone or a project with no viable result. Rather than making rash decisions, seek the advice of someone who is an expert in the said matter. Being financially independent and successful will be important to you this year.
Opportunities will be abundant but to grow in the direction that is best suited to you, trust your intuition. You are hypersensitive to criticism, which then triggers your negative self-talk. Try to keep your emotions in check and avoid taking things personally.
Taurus horoscope (20 Apr – 20 May)
It’s time to put an end to self-blame and feeling victimised. As you spend time by yourself, it dawns on you that your actions are hampering your own progress. Let go of any shame and disappointment by seeking help to lessen your emotional pain. You have quite a lot to juggle this year. You will do a fabulous job of keeping all your plates spinning but it may come at a cost. So do look after yourself.
You will look to reinstate lost happy memories by reaching out to old connections and revisiting past times. A good start will be to rekindle old friendships or make an effort to improve family connections.
This coming year might be riddled with ups and downs, but you will learn to cope with the downs a little better each time. Lost or misaligned opportunities will come and go but what you will learn is to trust your intuition and be kinder to yourself.
Gemini horoscope (21 May – 20 Jun)
There is a lot to rejoice as you master the art of slowing down and resolving your inner conflict. You become a bit more clear on what your beliefs are and what you stand for as you take time out to be by yourself. Trying to channel your restless energy and ideas in the right direction should not be rushed. Avoid oversharing your ideas before you even put them in action. Quiet contemplation is the way until you feel confident to share.
With who and how you spent your time will become quite calculated. You realise the importance of time and its value. And sharing the gift of time will be very selective as you begin to change the way you view your own life. You no longer have the desire to chase the material things but are on a mission to fill your life with moments of joy and love. Investing your time with the right people who can give you that becomes a top priority this year.
Cancer horoscope (21 Jun – 22 Jul)
There is a major transformation from within 2025. External change will come about once this internal change takes place. There are emotions to even out – and there is your relationship with your finances to sort out as well this year.
You are opening yourself to new opportunities, be it a new job, a side hustle or just trying something new that leads to material abundance. You will realise the importance of expectations, and of not trying to get ahead of yourself when your foundations aren’t solid yet. If you don’t feel equipped, avoid jumping into something. Having robust ideas and a solid plan to execute those ideas will prove indispensable for your success. There will be a lot to celebrate once you get the formula right.
Managing your finances is key this year. Going on a spending spree the minute cash comes in will equate to a financial disaster. Holding back and sleeping over purchases will be helpful in controlling your outgoings. Those born under this zodiac sign will definitely be much more financially independent and in control of your finances by the end of the year.
Leo horoscope (23 Jul – 22 Aug)
Your priorities are scattered. You need to get your ducks in a row if you want to see yourself succeed this year. Try to keep your emotional attachments at bay when prioritising your tasks, because including your emotions in decision-making usually doesn’t lead to a favourable outcome.
You may have gone overboard with the spending. It’s time to curb this habit. Even though things are going well, it doesn’t mean you can forget about planning for the future. Once you have a proper plan in place, things will become smooth sailing with your finances in the second half of the year. It will ultimately be an excellent year for career and finances as you find yourself in the best possible situation with your dreams coming to fruition.
Virgo horoscope (23 Aug – 22 Sep)
Making decisions isn’t that straight forward in 2025. There is a lot to consider. Your own personal goals and happiness become just as important as making decisions to keep others happy. If you’ve had a tough time with your financial situation, you will find yourself feeling more confident and finding a solution out of your predicament. Planning your finances moving forward will be very important.
You have an inkling of the route you must take to advance your career but you will need to plan your steps wisely. Weigh the pros and cons thoroughly. The road you choose for yourself will be a tiring one, and full of lessons. Expect a lot of hard work – and if you couple this with a change of mindset, you should be in a position of feeling financially secure by the end of the year.
Libra horoscope (23 Sep – 22 Oct)
You learn very early in 2025 that you are your own teacher. All you need to know is within you. So set aside that inner critic and that worry of not being good enough. As soon as you embrace your inner wisdom, the path will be paved with abundance and you will find yourself making the right decisions resulting in long-term success.
The biggest challenge for this zodiac sign this year is overcoming your mental blocks in seeing yourself as someone capable of success. If you keep yourself in check, there is nothing stopping you from achieving your goals. You have a grand idea of the possibilities for yourself and you’ll lead yourself to your destination with confidence.
The good news is your efforts bear fruit. And, rather than celebrating your career and financial success, you choose to keep your head down and keep things low-key. This is unusual for Libra, but you would rather keep your focus on the path ahead and avoid being distracted by your short-term success.
Scorpio horoscope (23 Oct– 21 Nov)
The start of the year calls for some time to let loose and allow your inner child to come out. You have stuck to your plans and routine meticulously. You’re allowed to celebrate the fruits of your hard labour from the past few months.
It will also be a time to face the heartache of a loss from the past. But it’s enough wishing for the past to return to what it was; accept the ship has sailed and work on healing from the loss. If it’s a failed relationship you are reeling from, moving on will allow new love to enter this year. If you’re grieving from losing a dear loved one, acceptance of the loss will make you more available to the ones that are craving your love and attention.
Scorpios are creatures who thrive on perfection in their lives. Everything has to be of a high standard. You will find yourself in a position of spending a lot of time honing a skill or picking up a new skill to add to your repertoire. In fact, the time you spend by yourself perfecting yourself could become a problem for your family or may distract you from your day job. So try to carve out a balance in pursuing your passion and your responsibilities.
Sagittarius horoscope (22 Nov – 21 Dec)
It’s time to let go of the past and start living in the present. As good as things were, you need to stop comparing your present with your past. It’s up to you to make things good again and make new memories. There is recovery from financial loss this year. A better paying job might be on the horizon to get you on a positive financial trajectory.
You’ve always gone where your heart has guided you but it’s time to bring that into balance. It’s good to stay connected to yourself. You will learn that it will help to keep your emotions and certain feelings to yourself. Giving too much away might place you in a very vulnerable position. Being an open book may not always work in your favour.
Make sure you have money in the pot, as you may need to spend on your personal growth. This could be taking up courses or some studying to help your career growth. “Don’t stop learning” is the motto in 2025! Take every opportunity you can to grow yourself.
Capricorn horoscope (22 Dec – 19 Jan)
There are plenty of questions to answer this year, and a lot to face up to as well. Focus on yourself and what is important to you. There’s always something to learn during a downtime. If things aren’t going too well, rather than passing the buck, take a look at your own thoughts and actions. There will most definitely be something that you can change to bring about the outcome you want to see. Respect yourself and own up to your own mistakes and the reward will be immense.
Your thoughts and actions will be inextricably linked to your finances. Words are your power. Watch how you project your thoughts on others and observe how your words change the mood and tone of the environment. Master the art of speaking to yourself positively, and you will find this positivity trickle into your relationships, your career and your investments. There will be lots to celebrate when you get to enjoy the fruit of your labour.
Old thoughts and ideas will begin to show their irrelevance. Trying to force a result with these old ways of thinking and doing will generate restlessness. Stop and slow yourself down to allow new ideas to surface. You may not necessarily act on them this year, but it will be the start of something new. Things that were once important to you like money, stability and security may begin to feel heavy this year. You have outgrown a certain lifestyle and it might be time to explore a new form of happiness this year.
Aquarius horoscope (20 Jan – 18 Feb)
Being financially stable is going to be your quiet superpower in 2025. You are constantly working on ways to secure your position. This will be your peace of mind after a volatile time over the past year. Although money is important for your survival, there is an ongoing struggle in achieving a balance in having it, enjoying it and being able to take time off and not have to worry about it. For now, you aren’t able to see another solution other than working to grow your pot.
Something you will try to explore in the second half of the year is enjoying what you do for money. For a long time, you have resented the concept of having to do something that doesn’t make you happy and getting a reward for it. Trying to shift that mindset this year will be a challenge, but you know that it will be where your happiness lies. Being selective around opportunities will be one way to shift your direction. But with it will come the worry of instability of trying a new way of doing things. Achieving this balance may prove harder than you thought. Still, it will be something you persevere with.
Pisces horoscope (19 Feb – 20 Mar)
You’re initiating a personal transformation this year. And it starts with you picking and choosing your opportunities for personal growth which are in alignment with your new ideas and thoughts that you want to see bear fruit for yourself. You may need to assert yourself a little more than you normally do. The way you express your ideas and thoughts will be crucial in seeing this personal transformation through.
A newfound self-confidence will be the product of your personal transformation. It brings growth in your career and better financial prospects. This isn’t to say that you’ve completely squashed your fears and anxieties. But you have a better grip on your own mind and your emotions as the year progresses. The overall goal of the year is to achieve your personal goals and face the obstacles and challenges as they come, slowly but surely.
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