Tony Robbins, perhaps the best-known motivational speaker in the world, is coming to Singapore! Tired of settling? Want to redirect your career? Get the spark back in your love life? Transform your mindset? Get buff or just plain healthy? This is your chance. The best-selling author, entrepreneur and philanthropist is bringing his powerful four-day seminar, “Unleash the Power Within”, to Singapore from 6 to 9 September.
More than just a talk
I’ll admit it. Even though I’m a pretty happy soul, I’ve always had a hankering to go to one of Tony’s seminars. And who wouldn’t? The likes of Hugh Jackman, Usher, Oprah and 50 million others rave about his results.
So, what can you expect at “Unleash the Power Within?” Well, there’ll be the trademark fire-walking on Day One (if you can conquer the fear to walk on fire, what other fears can you conquer?), but the program is much more than that. Also on the bill are pumped-up music, wild lights, big pyrotechnics and dance-like-nobody’s-watching moments to rival any concert at F1. As Tony says, “Motion is emotion.” The master story-teller will also recount riveting anecdotes to a crowd of folks from all walks of life that’s likely to include stay-at-home moms, CEOs, celebrities and more. These seminars are foot-stomping, head-bopping fun… and they’re also brutal.
Why brutal? Because his cornerstone is that the number one thing holding people back in their lives is fear. That’s why he leads audiences to figure out what they’re afraid of, to face those fears and move past them by using psychological tricks and following step-by-step instructions. If you do go along, it will mean being brutally honest with yourself. This can be tough, but it’s also ultimately very empowering.
Knowing yourself
The real key is that Tony’s blueprint for change doesn’t try to change who you are. On the contrary, the whole idea behind his teachings is for you to figure out who you really are, not who you’ve been conditioned to be. Once you figure that out, being yourself is easy. You can then be free to find your passion, live your purpose and ignite that fire within you.
Gosh, wouldn’t that be great? To really know yourself and to be all that you can be in life? Sounds divine. So, why have I never gone? Well, for starters, I was never in the same town as a seminar at a convenient time. Plus, the four-day seminar is a wee bit pricey. But I was just telling my friend Mark all about the seminar and he said, quite matter-of-factly, “For a future of happiness, how can you not spend the money?” That Mark is a smart fella.
So, how does this master of pep talks change your life in four days anyway? Well, first off, he’ll help you change your mindset.
#1 Think of your goal as a “must”
Too often, people set goals and think of them as pipe dreams. Stop thinking of your goal as optional and realise that, in order to be happy, you need that goal to be a reality.
#2 Stop making excuses
Life as an adult has far too many my-dog-ate-my-homework conditions. “I can’t do that because of…” What’s your reason? Kids? Job? Marriage? We all have reasons why we can’t reach our goal. But the truth is that the only thing stopping you is fear. Tony teaches you to move beyond the fear and excuses.
#3 Learn moving forward isn’t always easy
Anything worth achieving has growing pains. Setting realistic goals is the key and understanding the steps you need to take to grow is your blueprint.
#4 Let go of pain in your past
Everybody has had pain in their past. Learning to let go of that pain is the key to moving forward. He helps you realise that by living in the past, you’ll never fulfil your future. And the best thing is that he gives you tools to let go. He can possibly help you accomplish in four days what years of therapy has not.
#5 Understand there will be setbacks
Life isn’t easy. There will be big bumps along the way – and that’s okay. This program helps prepare you so that hard times don’t derail your entire path.
With all this under your belt, Tony Robbins will also teach you some specific steps to take to reach your goals, such as how to target those to ask for help and how to be specific in your requests.
Basically? The program gives you the tools to make your life what you want it to be, what it should be. Four days now for a future of fulfilment? That’s a pretty good trade in my book.
See the show:
If you’re ready to scream Tony’s trademark “Yes!” then click here to sign up.
Special price offer available until 23 August!
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