Here you’ll find the answers to our Puzzle Pages from the October issue of Expat Living magazine. If you love quiz questions and puzzles and you’d like to make sure you get them every month, don’t forget to subscribe to Expat Living!
Puzzle Page October answers – Page 1
#1 What is the main ingredient of the dish known as Rocky Mountain oysters?
#2 How much is seven and a half dozen?
#3 What was the first film in the Marvel franchise?
#4 Tennis player Serena Williams retired after the recent US Open with how many grand slam titles to her name?
#5 Every odd number has the letter “e” in it when you spell it, true or false?
#6 What are the two official languages of Kenya?
#7 What type of food was the Pac Man video character inspired by?
#8 How many holes are in a bowling ball?
#9 Harmattan, Scirocco, Leveche and Mistral are all types of what?
#10 What is the real name of actor and former wrestler The Rock?
#1 Testicles (specifically bull testicles)
#2 90
#3 Iron Man (2008)
#4 23
#5 True
#6 English and Swahili
#7 Pizza
#8 Three
#9 Types of winds that blow in different parts of the world
#10 Dwayne Johnson
4 9 6 1 5 7 2 3 8
2 7 5 3 4 8 9 1 6
8 1 3 9 2 6 4 5 7
1 4 2 8 6 5 3 7 9
6 8 9 2 7 3 5 4 1
3 5 7 4 9 1 8 6 2
5 2 1 6 8 4 7 9 3
9 3 4 7 1 2 6 8 5
7 6 8 5 3 9 1 2 4
9-letter word: ambulance
able, alba, bale, balm, banc, bane, beam,
bean, beau, bema, blue, buna, club, cube,
lamb, lube, nabe, numb, unbe, abeam, album,
amble, banal, blame, cabal, cable, becalm,
cabman, cabmen, nebula, unable, unbale,
albumen, balance, clubman, clubmen
3 4 1 2 5
5 3 4 1 2
1 2 5 3 4
4 1 2 5 3
2 5 3 4 1
Puzzle Page October answers – Page 2
Hallux: the first or innermost digit of the foot (big toe!)
Dua’s layer: a newly detected layer of the cornea
Dactylion: the tip of the middle finger
Cervical rib: A rare extra rib that can grow above the first rib
Philtrum: middle groove of the upper lip
Lacrimal punctum: tiny openings in the eye forming part of the lacrimal (tear) system
Golden blood: among the world’s rarest bloody types (aka “Rhnull”)
Mesentery: membrane attaching the intestine to the abdominal wall
Dewlap: any fold or flap of skin on the neck
Arrector pili: the tiny muscles that are responsible for goosebumps
Plantaris: a small muscle in the leg, behind the knee
Hyoid bone: horseshoe-shaped bone in the neck
Auriculares: the muscles you can use to wiggle your ears
Canthus: either corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet
Darwin’s tubercle: a small bump inside the ear that only a few people have
Insert the name of a country to complete each word, using the clues if needed
IN_ _ _ _ TE (Help eggs to hatch)
FOR _ _ _ _ TY (A thing complying with rules)
P_ _ _ _ HA (Sharp-toothed fish)
S_ _ _ _ ENFREUDE (Joy in another’s misfortune)
R _ _ _ _ CE (A love affair)
E_ _ _ _ _ CEA (Dietary supplement)
VA_ _ _ _ _ D (Wandering nomad)
MI_ _ _ _ _ T (Colour a canvas wrongly)
Can you name the classic film based on the two-word clue?
Bigger boat – Jaws
The horror – Apocalypse Now
Frankly dear – Gone With The Wind
Fava beans – The Silence of the Lambs
Yo, Adrian! – Rocky
Lonely goatherd – The Sound of Music
Nakatomi Plaza – Die Hard
Saturday detention – The Breakfast Club
Trash compactor – Star Wars
Here’s Johnny! – The Shining
What do the following four-letter acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms mean?
IMHO: In my humble opinion
ASAP: As soon as possible
YOLO: You only live once
TGIF: Thank god/goodness it’s Friday
KISS: Keep it simple, stupid
GOAT: Greatest of all time
BYOB: Bring your own beverages
AWOL: Absent without leave
BOGO: Buy one, get one
NSFW: Not safe for work
#1 Using matches, how can you remove seven-tenths of five and leave exactly four remaining?
#2 What word is represented by this rebus:
#3 A truck driver went down a one-way street the wrong way right in front of a police department without getting a ticket. How?
#1 Use the matches to write out the word FIVE, then take the F and the E away (seven matches out of ten, or seven tenths) and you’re left with IV, the Roman numeral for four.
#2 condescending
#3 He was walking!
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20 quirky facts about Singapore
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